Mrs. Speck's Sprouts
Kindergarten News
Kindergarten registration is going on now for the 2024-2025 school year. You may register online using the Skyward Enrollment Portal. Here is the direct link:
If you have trouble registering online, you may contact the school at 615-893-7604. Summer office hours are limited.
Once your child is fully registered, he/she will need to complete a kindergarten screening on August 5th. This will give us a baseline of your child's academic skills. This only takes about 15 minutes. Screenings are by appointment only. Please email me at [email protected].
You will need the following items for Kindergarten registration:
1) Birth Certificate- Must be 5 years old by August 15th.
2) Proof of Residence-Must be a current utility bill (electric, gas, water) with the parent’s name and address printed on it. If you rent and the utilities are in the landlords name, then an affidavit will have to be completed and both parties will have to meet with the principal.
3) Tennessee Department of Health Certificate (shots and physical must be current).
The Back to School Bash will be on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
All new and current Kittrell students and their families are invited! Kindergarteners may explore the classrooms and the rest of the school. We will have free food, drinks, and games!
Mandatory Kindergarten Parent Meeting on August 9, 2024 at 7:30 a.m.
Once your child has been registered and screened, at least one parent will need to attend the parent meeting on August 9th. You will find out your child’s teacher, learn about the homework, get your car tag, sign up for a phase in day, and learn about student work expectations, etc. Students are welcome, but do not have to attend.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What school supplies do I need to buy for my child for kindergarten?
None! Kittrell School will provide all of its students the school supplies they need. If anything is needed, I will let you know at the parent meeting.
- Does my child need a backpack?
Yes, your child will need a backpack that is big enough to hold a 3-ring binder. Don’t forget to teach them how to open and close it. ☺️
- Do you take naps in kindergarten?
No, so have your child ready for kindergarten by being used to staying up all day, or at least until 3:00 pm. 😜
- What is Class Dojo?
It is an app that we use school wide to communicate with parents. You will get an invite from your child’s teacher once school has started.
- What are Phase-In Days?
You will choose two phase-in days at the parent meeting (see above). These days are full days of school and allow for half the class to attend so the students are not so overwhelmed. For example, if we have 20 students in the classroom, 10 students will attend the first two days (August 12th and 13th), and 10 students will attend the next two days (August 14th and 15th).
- What can I do to help my child be ready for kindergarten?
1) Teach your child how to carry a food tray (like at a fast food restaurant) and open a milk carton. They will be expected to carry their own tray on the first day.
2) Help them build up the muscles in their fingers (fine motor skills) so they are ready to learn to write neatly. This can be done lots of fun ways like playing with play doh , coloring, hole punching paper, using scissors, lacing cards, water coloring, picking small objects up off a table or floor, etc.
2) Help them build up the muscles in their fingers (fine motor skills) so they are ready to learn to write neatly. This can be done lots of fun ways like playing with play doh , coloring, hole punching paper, using scissors, lacing cards, water coloring, picking small objects up off a table or floor, etc.
3) Teach them how to take turns by playing board games. Board games are great for math skills too. Especially when it involves dice!
4) Teach them to tie their shoes. This goes back to using those finger muscles!
5) Read to your child every day! The vocabulary and reading comprehension that they will learn from this simple step is instrumental in giving them a head start in reading.
- How much is breakfast? Lunch?
Student breakfast is free.
Student lunch is $3.25
2024-25 Related Arts schedule:
Monday - Gym (All students need to wear tennis shoes in order to participate in gym class.)
Tuesday - Music
Wednesday - Guidance
Thursday - Art
Friday - Library
Water Bottle
Please send a leak proof water bottle to school with your child so they can have water throughout the day.
Change of Clothes
Please send a change of clothes for your child that can be kept in his/her backpack. Don't forget undergarments and socks.